The name GESTE - which means first of all "action, body movement" - is also an acronym (in French "Groupe d'Etude de Systèmes de Transport dans leur Environnement"). It reflects our dynamism and our willingness to act and to consider transport systems, whether for passengers or goods, as an integral or even constituent part of the environment in which man and his well-being are at the centre.
Associated with this name, our logo expresses our daily activity, which consists in bringing together, linking and completing objectives, ideas and individual solutions in order to consolidate an overall, systemic and effective project. These notions are at the heart of our values, which we are pleased to mention here:
First of all, sustainability, at the heart of our projects, our relationships, our management; its permanent search, associated with the notion of continuous improvement and innovation, is our principle guideline.
Then comes trust, in others and in the future; this is a sine qua non for the success of any company. It's a prerequisite for the success of any company. It's a prerequisite for dreaming, connecting and working in a healthy and supportive work environment.
Equally important is the team spirit that gives us the ability to grow, to share difficulties and to celebrate successes together. Likewise, the definition of technologically innovative solutions that is the result of this way of doing things, with the idea that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
Finally, our commitment to providing quality services that meet the requirements; we are committed to providing quality services that meet the requirements; we are mobilized on a daily basis as well as in emergencies and for the benefit of everyone: customer, employee, end user. The energy deployed to achieve this is truly our added value.
These values have been the driving force behind the management since the birth of GESTE. Management is committed to sharing them with all new employees. GESTE Engineering is a team on a human scale, passion, a lot of energy and a great adventure.
Do you share the same values as we do? Then join our team!